Tyent Ionized Alkaline Water for Life

Posted by: On June 17, 2014 2:17 pm


                                         Water at Work in Our Bodies


 Water cogs  Undeniably, we cannot live without two nutrients. Food and water. Three, if you count chocolate.

Food, you can last nearly a month without eating. Water, only about a week if you are lucky. But why is water so important to us? What does water do to and for our bodies to keep us alive?  I want to try to answer those questions in non-technical language.

How important is water to our system?  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a mere two percent decrease of water in our bodies can cause fatigue and a reduction in brain function.  This makes me think I’m low on water most days.  Our connection to water and

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Healthy Alkaline Water, Fact or Fiction?

Posted by: On March 31, 2014 11:19 am

                                                     Ionized Alkaline Water…Fact or Fiction?       26065349-lies-truth-buttons-showing-untrue-or-correct 

 “Tell the truth…or someone will tell it for you.

That is a great quote from author, Stephanie Klein.

Since I began researching and writing about Tyent ionized alkaline water, I have learned a considerable amount about it.  I have read testimony after testimony of the remarkable health benefits derived from drinking alkaline water by its legions of believers.  I also have read about the way it improved the health of so many people with certain illnesses and afflictions.  Admittedly, what I learned was impressive.  However, I also heard some negative things about ionized alkaline water, such as; it’s snake oil…merely a placebo, Voodoo science and so on.  With so much information

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7 Tweetable Facts about Water

Posted by: On August 21, 2012 2:33 pm

Water is the most important substance on the planet. All living creatures need it to survive, but many of us either aren’t consuming enough of it or are consuming it from less-than-pure sources.

Check out these seven fascinating facts about water—and then click “Tweet it” to share your favorite fact with your Twitter followers! Just make sure you’re logged into Twitter, and share away.

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At birth, water accounts for approximately 80% of an infant’s body weight. [Tweet it!]

By the time a person feels thirsty, his or her body has lost over 1 percent of its total water amount. [Tweet it!]

Alkaline ionized water is up to six times more hydrating than conventional …

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