All-Natural Air Fresheners

Posted by: On August 23, 2013 8:20 pm

All-Natural Air Fresheners

We all love to have a great-smelling home.  However, many air-freshening products on the market today are full of toxic chemicals.  Here are 2 ideas to get your home smelling great, naturally!


Jar of Freshness

For this air freshener, you will need a small jar or container.  Fill up about ¼ of your container with baking soda.  Add 8 – 10 drops of your favorite essential oil.  Cover your container with a lid or tin foil.  Poke some holes in the lid or foil to allow the fragrance to come out.  Every few days, give your container a shake for a nice burst of fragrance.

 All-Natural Air Fresheners -


Freshness Spray

Instead of buying aerosol air fresheners, you can …

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